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Registration - We Welcome New Students!

Registration Information


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Please review the following information to assist you in the registration process.  


Procedures and Requirements for Student Enrollment


Conditional Enrollment and Attendance

When a child’s parent or a person in parental relation to a child requests enrollment of the child in our school district, we enroll the child on a conditional basis, and the child is expected to begin as soon as necessary arrangements can be made. Enrollment is considered conditional pending our review of documentation presented by the child’s parent, or the person in parental relation to the child. The child will continue to be conditionally enrolled and expected to attend school pending a complete review of documentation.  If the District determines the student is not a resident and this determination is requested to be reviewed, the student may also attend school throughout the duration of review of this decision.

The District will not be required to enroll a child if a determination of non-residency is made, in accordance with these procedures, on the date of the request for enrollment.


Process and Documentation for Enrollment Review

The determination regarding the student’s eligibility for continued enrollment, including the student’s residency status, is made by the Registrar, or their designee. The required documentation should be provided to the Registrar, District Office, located at 127 Cuyler Street, Palmyra, New York 14522.

As required by 8 NYCRR § 100.2(y), the District will not request on any enrollment/
registration forms, or in any meeting or other form of communication, a Social Security card or number, or any information regarding or which would tend to reveal the immigration status of the child, the child’s parent(s) or the person(s) in parental relation to the child, including but not limited to copies of or information concerning visas or other documentation indicating immigration status.



The District seeks documentation to verify that the child to be enrolled resides with the parent or person in parental relation, and that the parent or person in parental relation maintains a physical presence in the District that qualifies as a residence.

To establish that the adult maintains a residence in the District, the District first requests this documentation, which may include, but will not be restricted to:

  • A copy of a residential lease or proof of ownership of a house or condominium, such as a deed or mortgage statement;
  • A statement signed by a third-party landlord, owner, or tenant from whom the parents or person(s) in parental relation leases or with whom they share property within the District, which may be sworn or unsworn; or
  • Some other signed statement from a third party establishing the parent(s’) or person(s) in parental relation’s physical presence within the District.

If these forms of documentation are not available, the District will accept for review other forms of documentation of residency, including but not limited to:

  • Pay stub
  • Income tax form
  • Utility or other bills
  • Membership documents based on residency (e.g., library card)
  • Voter registration documents
  • Official driver license, learner permit, or non-driver identification
  • State or other government issued identification or documents relating to government services or benefits
  • Documents issued by federal, state or local agencies (e.g. local social service agency, federal Office of Refugee Resettlement), or
  • Evidence of custody of the child, including, but not limited to judicial custody orders or guardianship papers

The District may also require the parent(s) or person(s) in parental relation to provide an affidavit either: (1) indicating that they are the parent(s) with whom the child lawfully resides; or (2) indicating that they are the person(s) in parental relation to the child, over whom they have total and permanent custody and control, whether through guardianship or otherwise. The District may also accept other proof, such as documentation indicating that the child resides with a sponsor with whom the child has been placed by a federal agency.The District will not require submission of a judicial custody order or an order of guardianship as a condition of enrollment.


Age of Child

A child will be enrolled as a student in the District if they will be at least five (5) years old before December 1 of the school year for which the student seeks to enroll, and will be enrolled through the school year in which the child either completes high school graduation requirements or reaches age twenty-one (21).

If a certified transcript of a birth certificate or record of baptism, including a certified transcript of a foreign birth certificate or certificate of baptism, is available, no other form of evidence will be required to establish the child’s age.

If a certified transcript of a birth certificate or record of baptism is not available, the District will request a passport, including a foreign passport, to establish the child’s age.

If none of a certified transcript of a birth certificate, a record of baptism, or a passport is available, the District will consider other documentation, including but not limited to the types in the below list, provided that those documents have been in existence for two (2) years or more:


  • Official driver’s license for the child
  • State or other government issued identification
  • School photo identification with date of birth
  • Consulate identification card
  • Hospital or health records
  • Military dependent identification card
  • Documents issued by federal, state or local agencies (e.g. local social service agency, federal Office of Refugee Resettlement)
  • Court orders or court-issued documents
  • Native American tribal documents, or
  • Records from non-profit international aid agencies and voluntary organizations

When documents are presented that originate in a foreign country, the District may request verification of the documents from an appropriate foreign government of agency, consistent with the requirements of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) concerning the confidentiality of education records.


Public Health Requirements

The District requires proof of immunization, as required by New York Public Health Law § 2164(7), before a student may attend school, or a lawful exemption from that requirement (namely: a medical exemption). The District will also exclude an enrolled student from attending school when the student has a communicable or infectious disease that imposes a significant risk of infection of others, as required by New York Education Law § 906.

The New York State Education Law requires each public school student to furnish a health certificate upon their entrance to school, and upon their entry into pre-kindergarten or kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th grades. The completed certificate is to be provided to the principal or their designee within thirty (30) days of the student’s entry into the school or the above listed grades. It will thereafter be filed in the student’s cumulative health record. The health records of individual students will be kept confidential in accordance with the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and any other applicable Federal and State laws. In addition, an examination and health history of any child may be required by the local school authorities at any time in their discretion to promote the educational interests of the child. No examinations for a health certificate or health history shall be required or dental certificate requested, and no screening examinations for sickle cell anemia shall be required where a student or their parent or person in parental relation objects thereto on the grounds that such examinations or health history conflict with their genuine and sincere religious beliefs. The District recommends you contact your pediatrician to conduct your child’s examination for a health certificate or health history. However, if you are unable or unwilling to do so, please contact the school principal to arrange for an examination by the District’s Director of School Health Services. Other screenings may occur by the District’s Director of School Health Services if they are not documented on the health certificate, including but not limited to screening for scoliosis, vision, and hearing. In addition, a dental health certificate is requested to be provided to the District upon your student’s entry and again upon entry into the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th grades. A copy of the dental health certificate is enclosed with this letter. A list of dental practices, dentists and registered dental hygienists to which children may be referred for dental services on a free or reduced cost basis is available upon request at your child’s school.


Determination Regarding Continued Enrollment

In the usual case, a determination of whether the child is entitled to continue attendance in the District will be made by the District Registrar, or his/her designee, within three (3) business days of the child’s initial enrollment, unless a parent or person in parental relation to the child submits documentation and/or information in support of the child’s residency in the District on the third business day after initial enrollment, in which case, the residency determination may be made no later than the fourth business day after initial enrollment.

This time period may be extended when additional documentation or verification is required. Each parent or person in parental relation who seeks to enroll a child will be provided a reasonable opportunity to submit available information. A written notification of the determination will be provided to the parent or person in parental relation who requested enrollment of a student.

If the determination has been made by a school official other than the Board or its designee, the parent or person in parental relation will be notified of the procedure for obtaining a review of that determination within the District.

When the Board or its designee determines that a child is not entitled to attend school in the District because the child is not a resident of the District, the written notice of that determination will be provided to the parent or person in parental relation within two (2) business days of the determination, and it will include this information:

  • That the child is considered not entitled to attend school in the District because of non-resident status;
  • The specific basis for the determination that the child is not a resident of the district, including a description of the documentary and other evidence upon which the determination is based;
  • The date on which the child will be excluded from school; and

That the determination may be appealed to the Commissioner of Education, in accordance with Education Law § 310, within thirty (30) days of the date of the determination, and that the instructions, forms, and procedures for taking such an appeal (including translated versions of the instructions and forms) may be obtained from the Office of Counsel at or by mail addressed to the Office of Counsel, New York State Education Department, State Education Building, Albany, New York 12234, or by calling the Appeals Coordinator at (518) 474-8927.


Non-Discrimination Policy

The Palmyra-Macedon CSD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs, activities, employment, and admissions; and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.  The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:                                

Kenneth Azzarello
Director of Human Resources  
127 Cuyler Street
Palmyra, New York 14522


Inquiries concerning the application of the Palmyra-Macedon CSD non-discrimination policies may also be referred to the U.S. Department of Education.

Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
32 Old Slip
26th floor
New York, NY 10005
Telephone (646) 428-3800 (voice) or (800) 877-8339 (TTY)



If you have any questions, please contact the Central Registration Office at 315-597-3443 or 315-597-3415.