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Distribution of Materials/Flyers to Students

Except as stated below, the District will not distribute promotional materials that are outside or beyond the scope of District operated academic and extracurricular activities.  The District will, however, make such materials available in the office of each school when requested. The District reserves the right to review all such material to ensure that it is age appropriate for district students.

Because of the direct relationship between the learning standards and organizations that work in support of the goals and mission of the District by promoting the specific academic and extracurricular activities beyond the normal school day, the district may distribute age appropriate literature to students from the following organizations:  The Palmyra-Macedon Parent-Teacher-Student Organization (PTSO), booster clubs, the Macedon and Palmyra recreation programs, the Graduates of Distinction, the Palmyra Community Library and the Macedon Public Library.

Likewise, athletic coaches are not responsible for distributing non-District-affiliated athletic solicitations and requests to students or their parents.  

In concert with this policy, all materials requested for distribution must be in accordance with the following:

  1. Materials will only be distributed electronically.
  2. Materials will only be distributed at the building level and on Fridays that students are in session.
  3. Submitted materials must be proofread and free of errors.
  4. All materials must be pre-approved by the District Office before a building releases the information. In most instances, materials will be approved within three (3) business days when students are in session.
  5. Materials must be received in the District Office no later than Wednesday, 12:00 Noon prior to the Friday that materials will be distributed.

Requests for distribution are to be sent to:

Any materials that do not align with the District’s policy will not be approved for distribution.