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Process for Weather and Emergency-Related School Closures

Please review the information below regarding school closures due to inclement weather or other emergencies for the 2022-23 school year.

First and foremost, the safety of students and staff is always a top priority when making a decision regarding the closure of school.  With safety as a guiding principle, the decision to close school will be made based on numerous factors outlined below:

  • Road conditions reports from transportation staff, town/highway personnel, meteorological experts and law enforcement agencies
  • Amount of snow and ice accumulation
  • Whether or not precipitation is continuing
  • Building and parking lot conditions
  • Temperature and wind chill
  • Forecast predictions

Early dismissal may be necessary if weather conditions warrant, with a goal of ensuring students are home safely prior to conditions worsening. 

The ultimate decision to close school is that of the superintendent. The district will make every attempt to make weather-related decisions in a timely manner.

Once an announcement has been made to close school, the decision will be final.  

Announcements regarding school closures will be sent out via ParentSquare. ParentSquare contact information can be updated here: Each user of ParentSquare should adjust their own phone/device notification settings in accordance to your preferences.

In addition to ParentSquare, a closure notice will be posted to district social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) and the district website. Local news outlets will be notified of the decision as well. News outlets to monitor for closure-related information include 13WHAM TV, Spectrum News, WROC TV 8, WHAM AM 1180, WVOR FM 100.5, WHEC TV 10, WACK AM 1420 and WARM FM 101.3.

Parents/guardians are advised not to call the district regarding weather-related/emergency closures unless you have a personal emergency that impacts your child's departure from school or arrival home.

During the cold days of winter, it is important to remember to bundle up to prepare for being outside for walks to a bus stop or to school. Warm clothing includes jackets, gloves, scarves, and boots. If your family needs assistance in the provision of warm, suitable clothing, please contact the Health Office at your child's school. 

The district does not take the decision to close school lightly and carefully examines each decision on a case by case basis. No perfect decision exists and should parents/guardians feel conditions are unsafe, it is advised to exercise best judgement to decide if your student should attend school.

For cold temperature-related info, check out our Cold Weather Plan for Families page.