The Superintendent is the Chief School Officer of the Palmyra-Macedon Central School District. The Superintendent is responsible for the effective operation of the District; for the general administration of all instructional, business or other operations of the District; and for advising and making recommendations to the Board of Education with respect to such activities. The Superintendent shall perform all the duties and accept all of the responsibilities usually required of a Superintendent as prescribed by the Education Laws of New York State, the rules and regulations of the Board of Regents and Commissioner of Education, laws and regulations of the United States, statutes of New York State, and the policies, rules, and regulations established by the Board of Education.
The Superintendent shall possess the following powers and be charged with the following duties:
1. To be the chief executive officer of the District, with the right to speak on all matters before the Board of Education; and
2. Enforce all provisions of law and all rules and regulations relating to the management of the schools.
As aligned to District Policy, it is expected the Chain of Contact will be used for addressing school district matters. Constituents must not avoid the proper channels. In order to handle problems in the most effective way, it is extremely important to first contact the staff member most directly involved with the question or concern. If the question is not answered or the issue is not resolved at a given step, the person should proceed to the next step.