News Media Information
The Palmyra-Macedon Central School District welcomes members of the media into our schools, and strives to provide the most accurate and timely information available.
School Interviews
Please contact the Public Information Coordinator (PIC) at (315) 597-3400 ex 3411 if you’d like to interview Pal-Mac educators, administrators, and students. We are happy to put you in touch with the correct person and/or resource for your story and can arrange an interview time.
School Visits
If you would like to visit a school, please contact the PIC. We will be happy to escort you to any school for the interview or story. We will work with your schedule, as well as that of the students and staff, to ensure that your visit is successful. Please offer a few available dates for your visit in case a school has a conflict on a particular day.
When you arrive at a building, please proceed to the respective Main Office. There will be NO entry permitted from any other entrance.
Photographing Students and Staff
Some students choose not to be photographed. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) allows students and parents to opt out of the release of certain information about students, including photographs, and the Palmyra-Macedon Central School District operates in compliance with this law. Before we can allow anyone to take photos, video and/or quotes from our students, a building administrator or the PRC must verify that these individuals have the proper release information on file.
You can stay current with the latest information about the Pal-Mac School District Board of Education with BoardDocs, where you can view agenda items and board meeting activities.
Emergency Information
During an emergency, the media will not be allowed inside affected school building(s). You are asked to refer any questions/requests to the Communications Office. We will work to obtain information from our response team and local authorities on site and respond to you as quickly as possible. Please do not try to circumvent this process by contacting a school directly. School phones are needed to manage the situation and they must remain open.
Contact Us
For more information, or to request access to a school campus, please contact Drew Hyman, PIC at (315) 597-3400 ex 3411, or by email