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  • Pal-Mac Intermediate School

JULY 29, 2024— Two Pal-Mac Intermediate School students were recently featured in the local news spotlight because of their shared love for all things weather!

Caleb and Henry were both named "Mini Meteorologists" by 13 WHAM (ABC) news in Rochester!

13's Meteorologist Scott Hetsko welcomes both students in two separate in-studio segments in June and July. Caleb and Henry both introduced themselves and even got to help present the forecast!

The students submitted a short write up about what they love about weather. Caleb mentioned “weather is a disaster!” and used flooding, tornadoes, and blizzards as examples. Henry said in part “weather never stays the same around here.”

In an interview before the school year ended, Caleb told us he has dreams of one day being a TV meteorologist! Henry told Hetsko he was excited for the rest of Summer. He even received a shoutout from Caleb the month before!


Hetsko gave both Caleb and Henry a special certificate to mark their appearance. 

Click here to view other recent Pal-Mac "In the News" moments!

  • Palmyra-Macedon Intermediate School

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