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FEB.28, 2024—A rocking and electrifying fantasy-themed musical performance is coming soon to the Pal-Mac Performing Arts Center stage.
The High School Drama Club is proud to present "The Lightning Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical" from Friday, March 8 through Sunday, March 10. Tickets are available by now, you can access the ticket page by clicking here.
The story follows Percy Jackson, a 12-year-old who has newly discovered powers he can't control. as he battles monsters on his quest to find Zeus' lightning bolt to prevent a war between the Greek gods. Percy also faces challenges with ADHD and dyslexia.
The musical is based on the "Percy Jackson & the Olympians" book series, by author Rick Riordan. The books were also turned into a series of movies.
"As soon as I looked at the script and heard the music, it was magical," said Tyler Dranichak, who plays Grover in the musical.
The show's music is mostly focused on rock and roll, which is not something you typically find in a musical. Additionally, the show's technical crew, led by Technical Director Doug Blackall, developed a series of graphics and special effects. The effects include appropriately enough, lightning, as well as a modified toilet, of which its function is being kept as a secret until show time.
"The set is actually amazing," said Maddie Sullivan, who plays Luke. "When we got on stage, we were all amazed."
"Oh yeah, the set it awesome, I love it," said Jairdan Whitney, who plays Percy.
Fellow actresses Izzy Cole and Havana Sullivan each remarked on the overall look and feel of the show. Both gave credit to the technical team for its attention to detail when designing the special effects and set pieces.
"It looks really real, it's cool," Izzy said.
"It's definitely different than anything you've ever seen before," Havana said.
In addition to the carefully coordinated graphics, some of the cast spent months working on fight scene choreography. The musical includes several fight scenes, which took some time to script. The District welcomed Fight Choreographer, Director, and Actor Jay Simmons to work with the students. He's previously assisted with other Pal-Mac productions.
"The fight scenes were more intense than we've ever done before," said Aussie Haeger, who plays Annabeth.
Special effects, sets, and fights aside, cast members say the story itself is compelling enough to see the show. Havana Sullivan says Percy's personal struggles are something every student could relate to. Gannon O'Brien, who plays Mr.D, says a central theme of the musical is about being yourself.
"Weird isn't really a thing, normal isn't really a thing," O'Brien said. "People are who they are, and that's okay."
Fellow cast member Phoebe Cole, who plays Silena Beauregard, added she finds the show "empowering." Cole referenced Percy's efforts to overcome challenges within his family.
"The message of family in this musical is a huge thing," Phoebe Cole said. "Not only the family that you're born with, but the family you meet along the way."
The cast and crew will present short preview performances for their classmates in the days leading up to opening night. They also spent time promoting the performance with an appearance on WBER Radio (90.5 FM), as well as the annual visit to read to Primary School students.
As a reminder, tickets for the show are $10 online, and can be purchased by clicking here. The Friday and Saturday shows start at 7p, the Sunday show starts at 2p.
*Please note the show does incorporate the use of flashing lights.
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