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  • Palmyra-Macedon Middle School

JULY 5 ,2023— Normally when you hear the term “creating a monster,” one would envision something out of “Frankenstein” or “Goosebumps.” But what if we told you that phrase could also relate to a heartfelt project involving Primary and Middle School students?


It’s true.


Students at PMP and PMMS recently wrapped up a collaborative project involving drawings and hand-made stuffed “monsters.”


In late April, kindergarten students in Mrs. Sculli’s art classes began drawing and coloring in one of three monster templates. The students had free-reign to draw and color whatever design they liked within the lines, and then it was time to hand their artwork off to the Middle School.


The designs were sent to  Mrs. Horton and Mrs.Moulton’s sixth grade Health Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) classes last week.


“I’m excited, they’re all excited,” Moulton said.


From here, students in the FACS classes are taking the two dimensional drawings and turning them into three dimensional monsters. At the end of the project, the sixth-graders will give their 3D creations back to kindergarteners.


Seems easy enough, right?


Well, it’s not that simple. The monsters are made up of multicolored fabrics and other materials, and the objective for the FACS students is to match the stuffed monster to the drawn-up monster. This means every fabric, every button, every stitch, must be as close as possible to what the primary students drew up.


Several students we spoke to said the project seemed tough at first, but they’re adjusting well.


“I didn’t know what to do at first, but i”m trying,” Kara, a student, said.


Another student, Alex,  said the toughest part so far is cutting the fabric just right.


“I wouldn’t say it is easy, but I can do it,” Alex said.


So how did we get here to begin with? According to Horton, the idea for the project came from a referral by a friend on a FACS Facebook page. She got Moulton involved, and then reached out to Sculli.


“I was more than happy to be working with them,” Sculli said. “It sounded like a great opportunity.”


Both Moulton and Horton say the project is a true win-win for their students, and  kindergarteners, as it is teaching both levels some new skills.


“We learned how to do all the stitches and how to sew a button,” Moulton said.


“But also, they’re kind of using their creativity in deciding which parts they want to use for their monsters,” Horton said.


Sculli told us her students also had a chance to express their own creativity, and their excitement to see their hard work in a different form continues to grow with each day.


“I’m just getting ready to see what they think when we give it to them,” said Timmy, a student in the class.


“I can’t wait to see their reactions to what I did, because I’m very proud of what I’m doing right now,” Kara said. “I think that they’ll really like it.”


 Students completed the monsters in mid-June, and handed the designs off to the class on June 16.


So yes, the students created monsters, but there’s something bigger going on here: Memories were sewn together, stitch by stitch.


See a full photo gallery here.

  • Art
  • Palmyra-Macedon Middle School
  • Palmyra-Macedon Primary School

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