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  • Palmyra-Macedon High School


MAY 12, 2023— The high-flying awe-inspiring High School performance of "Mary Poppins" last took the stage in mid-March, but organizers and performers just took home an umbrella-full of awards for their work.

The performance received 10 different awards at the Rochester Broadway Theatre League's "Stars of Tomorrow," on Thursday, May 11 at the Rochester Auditorium Theater. The musical marked a first for Pal-Mac, as some characters literally flew through the air!

The awards featured everything  from Excellence in Acting and Vocals to the Production Crew and Design, among others. Several performers were also recognized for their individual lead performances.

A list of awards and winners is below:



Mary Poppins cast performs

Excellence in Acting Ensemble


Mary Poppins character

Excellence in Vocal Ensemble


Reverse shot of the cast performing

Overall Excellence in Musical Production


Mary Poppins floats above fellow cast members

Excellence in Dance Ensemble


The production crew

Excellence in Production Crew


Crew all aroud mary poppins

Excellence in Production Design



Mary Poppins, played by Ava Ribstein

Overall Excellence in a Leading Role: Ava Ribstein "Mary Poppins"

Bert, played by Ryan Fink

Overall Excellence in a Leading Role: Ryan Fink "Bert"


Mrs. Banks, played by Maggie Gardner

Overall Excellence in a Leading Role: Maggie Gardner- "Mrs.Banks"


Gannon O Brien as Mr. Banks

Overall Excellence in a Leading Role: Gannon O'Brien "Mr.Banks"



Congrats to Director Kim Day, Technical Theater Director Doug Blackall, as well as the fantastic cast and crew!


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  • Palmyra-Macedon High School

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