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  • Board of Education
  • District
  • Palmyra-Macedon Central School District
  • Palmyra-Macedon High School
  • Palmyra-Macedon Intermediate School
  • Palmyra-Macedon Middle School
  • Palmyra-Macedon Primary School

JUNE 24, 2024—The Palmyra-Macedon Central School District would like to congratulate a group of four students on being named Students of the Year for the 2023-24 school year.

The annual award is presented to a student from each school building based on a nomination from their teachers. To be nominated, a student must demonstrate citizenship, commitment, and participation in their school and community.

Students typically receive the award from the Board of Education, the teacher who nominated them, and their building principal. Some students received their awards during their building’s respective award ceremonies, while others received the recognition at their homes.


We again congratulate the following students:

High School - Dylan Gilmore 


Middle School - Isaac Ubbink 

Intermediate School - Olivia Tatar 

Primary School - Sok Mony Chhun 


  • Board of Education
  • Palmyra-Macedon CSD
  • Palmyra-Macedon High School
  • Palmyra-Macedon Intermediate School
  • Palmyra-Macedon Middle School
  • Palmyra-Macedon Primary School

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