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  • Palmyra-Macedon Central School District
  • Palmyra-Macedon Primary School

A new addition to the Pal-Mac Primary School playground is giving the gift of reading! Learn more about the Free Community and Family Library by clicking on this article.

Student holds up book while standing in front of wooden white book shelf

JUNE 1, 2023—  A new setup at the Pal-Mac Primary School is giving students and community members a chance to dive into a good book, just a few feet from where students play.


The school recently unveiled its Free Community and Family Library, located near the playground and basketball courts.


The library is a specially-made wooden “book box” stocked with books that students can take with them, whether they want to explore a story at recess or later at home. 


White wooden book box


Assorted books on the shelf

The idea came from PMP Reading Interventionist Rukhsana Palmer. She says the community library is an accessible way to provide free books to families and students without late fees.


“I noticed families going to the playground after hours and during the summertime, " Palmer said. “So if they see the books, then they may be encouraged to pick up a book.”


District Community of Care Committee member Jeff Ames built the library box. The committee, led by Athletic Director Tom Schmandt, also built a box at the Log Cabin Restaurant in Macedon. Palmer approached the committee for help with the library earlier this year, and its Board voted unanimously to assist with the cost and construction.


Most of the books currently in the box were donated by Palmer’s neighbors, though PMP teacher Natalie Cifuentes also dropped off two large totes of books.


The school held a small ceremony to unveil the new library last week, and students have already taken advantage of the opportunity.While interviewing Palmer, we observed at least six students run up to the display and pick out a book during their afternoon recess. 


Student sits on a rock and reads a book

Students hold up thier books


“As a reading teacher it’s just so exciting to see,” Palmer said. “The best thing they can do for themselves is to just keep reading.”


As mentioned, the library will be open year-round and is available to the community. There is no return policy, though you are encouraged to bring a book to restock if you take one out. 


Donations are always welcome.


Sticker that reads 'happiness is a little library"


  • Palmyra-Macedon Primary School

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