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- Pal-Mac Athletics
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MARCH 25, 2024- Lights, camera, media night!
The Pal-Mac High School was the site of a first-of-its-kind event for the District on Wednesday, March 20. The school hosted the inaugural “Media Night” for its Athletics Department.
A total of 12 Pal-Mac Red Raider JV and Varsity Spring teams were featured at the event, which offered a mix of photoshoots, interviews, and lessons.
Teams moved around different stations throughout the hallways and the gym, culminating in a mix of team and individual pictures. Pal-Mac graduate Patrick Luke, who operates Luke Photography, took the team and individual photos.
PHOTO GALLERY: Inaugural Media Night
Media teacher Kevin Schlegel and his students coordinated creative individual pictures and videos. The scenes they captured will be featured on social media and scoreboards.
Next, athletes attended three learning sessions, with topics ranging from understanding the guidelines and expectations of a Pal-Mac Athlete to guidelines on proper nutrition and weight training. The last lesson was an overview of the Anyone Can Save A Life program (ACSAL), which focused on emergency plans.
Lastly, student-athletes filled out short bios and then wrote a thank you card to a faculty or staff member that has had a positive influence in their student career.
Team pictures happen every year, but this was the first time every team came together under one roof.
“Seeing all the teams here, the Pal-Mac spirit’s definitely thriving,” Track team member Tyler Sloan said.
Fellow student-athlete Dylan Gilmore said he’s excited each student-athlete was featured in the photo and video room. Gilmore also works as a student broadcaster with the school’s sports broadcasting program, and said the additional elements will give a more professional feel to a broadcast.
“It’ll definitely help get more exposure out [for our athletes],” Gilmore said.
The entire effort was coordinated by Athletic Director Tom Schmandt and Athletic Assistant Kate LaRocca, in coordination with several coaches and volunteers.
- Athletics
- Palmyra-Macedon CSD
- Palmyra-Macedon High School